FRIENDS - Marshmello/Anne-Marie

You say you love me, I say you crazy,你说你爱我 我觉得你是疯了,
We're nothing more than friends,我们不过只是朋友罢了,
You're not my lover, more like a brother,你不是我的菜 至多就像个兄弟,
I known you since we were like ten, yeah,我们大概十岁时就认识了,
Don't mess it up, talking that shit,别毁了这交情 说这种蠢话,
Only gonna push me away, that's it,这只会让你我疏远 仅此而已,
When you say you love me, that make me crazy,当你说你爱我的时候 我真的快疯了,
Here we go again,我们又要再一次面对这一切,
Don't go look at me with that look in your eye,别用你的那种眼神看着我,
You really ain't going away without a fight,不拉扯一下你还真的没完了,
You can't be reasoned with, I'm done being polite,无法对你晓之以理 我已用尽礼数,
I've told you 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 thousand times,我告诉过你几千几万遍,
Haven't I made it obvious?一切还不够明显的吗,Haven't I made it clear?是说得还不够清楚吗,
Want me to spell it out for you?要我给你一字一顿拼出来吗,
Want me to spell it out for you?要我给你一字一顿拼出来吗,
That's how you fucking spell "friends",朋友就是TMD朋友啊,
Get that shit inside your head,把这句话牢牢给我记住吧。
哈哈哈哈哈哈  这首歌配上他们太有画面感了!发生在战争以后 村子一片和谐。除去鸣人与带土的辛苦追妻路,佐助与卡卡西表示我把你当兄弟你却想上我?亦或是 佐助与卡卡西对他们日常发放朋友卡的报复!哈哈哈  _| ̄|●啊!!不会写文好苦逼,


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